Thabaton II (2014)

2h 30m ·DramaFamilyRomance · Sun Oct 05 2014
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Language: Manipuri
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Adult: No
Type: Feature



Yaima's adjustment to being apart from Thaba is the first topic covered in the second part. In an effort to find some peace, Yaima made the decision to start a farm in a rural region. There, he met Nungshithoi, a young and goofy girl. They each experienced romantic love. There were some disputes between them once Nungshithoi learned that Yaima was previously married, but they were later resolved when Yaima demonstrated his love for Nungshithoi and they got married. On the other hand, Thaba is now contently residing with her second husband, her mother-in-law, and her daughter. They stood strong and stayed together like rocks, even though strangers tried to split apart their family through negativity. When everything seemed to be going smoothly, Yaima's parents made the decision to file a lawsuit against Thaba and her second husband in an effort to obtain Thaba and Yaima's daughter from their previous marriage. This led to a lot of conflict between the two families. Yaima was oblivious to it, though, until the distraught Thaba called and told him everything. Yaima arrived in court during the trial and returned his daughter to Thaba and her second husband. Yaima's second wife eventually persuaded him to make amends with his parents. The announcement that Thaba is expecting a child with her second husband signals the end of the movie.

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Runtime: 150 min
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Release Info

Release Date: Sun Oct 05 2014
Release In: India

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