What should I contribute?
KLMDb is a site for Movies and Entertainment. We maintain a content of Movies, Theaters, Celebrities, Events, Awards and other entertainment related categories. Be a contributor to add new Movies, Videos, TV Shows etc., celebrities, news and other categories.
Can I update or change information available in KLMDb?
Yes, you can update various information. Anyone can make change to the data available in our site. Please go through Getting Started for guides.
Created a contribution but not shown
Your contribution will only in public after our editors reviewd and approved. It will not shown if it is rejected. You may get an email about your contribution after a review process.
How to delete a content?
You cannot delete a content once it is added but you have to report giving reason to delete. Please read our guides about contributing data and report content.
How to delete a credit of a movie?
Credit consist of pricipal, cast and crew and company. You cannot delete a credit once it is added. If you need to delete a credit you have to contact us and provide the movie and credit information, our editor will review about that matter. So you need to be sure the credit is correct before adding.
What is Kloudscore?
Kloudscore is an aggregated value calculated from the rating given by the users and it stands for popularity. To show kloudscore on title page, atleast 4 positive rating is required from different users otherwise it will be shown as "To Be Determine".
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