Hayengna Kanagee (2000)

2h 5m
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Language: Manipuri
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Adult: No
Type: Feature



A doctor's duty is to help people without selfishness. A teacher is to teach his pupil to make a man out of him. A politician should think for the welfare of the society. When evil thoughts lure their mind, the society may break down in tatters. The roots of corruption can sprout from a degraded society. Kaka is the master mind of a gang. He works in tandem with a politician, a police officer and some other evil-minded persons to befool the public. Meiraba, the son of the corrupted politician, was furious upon the gang. He organised an anti­corruption organization. Malem, James, Dinesh, Saphaba, Guna, Priya, Premi and Uma were his members. Uma is a victim of the gang, having lost her friend Thadoi who was raped and killed by the gang. Her father was also killed by them. Confronting the gang in street battle, Meiraba's party wiped out the notorious gang. In the end, Meiraba's anti­corruption organization was targeted by the police. All the members except Premi were killed. Premi shot dead the corrupted police officer. Throwing down her pistol, she went away uttering, "How long can we survive in this world, wielding weapons to bring peace among us".

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Runtime: 125 min
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1 Nominations, 0 Wins



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