Leipaklei (2012)

1h 15m ·Drama · Mon Nov 19 2012
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The film Leipaklei tells the story of Leipaklei, a woman named after a Manipuri flower. Like the flower whose habitat is the hard ground, she is surrounded by hard trials and ironies of fate: separation from the one who loved and is still loved by her, abandonment by her husband, the trials of being a single parent, the violence of the gaze of men who sees her as fair game. Not unlike the flower Leipaklei, which hibernates beneath parched grounds - dreaming for a spring past, the protagonist dreams of the return of her beloved. He returns.
Star: Leishangthem Tonthoingambi, Lairenjam Olendro
Writer: Arambam Samarendra
Director: Aribam Syam Sharma
Language: Manipuri
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Drama
Adult: No
Type: Feature



The film Leipaklei tells the story of Leipaklei, a women named after a Manipuri flower. Like the flower whose habitat is the hard ground, she is surrounded by hard trials and ironies of fate: separation from the one who loved and is still loved by her, abandonment by her husband, the trials of being a single parent, the violence of the haze of men who sees her a fair of game. Not unlike the flower Leipaklei, which hibernates beneath parched grounds - dreaming for a spring past, the protagonist dreams of the return of her beloved. He returns.

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Runtime: 75 min
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Release Info

Release Date: Mon Nov 19 2012
Release In: India

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2 Nominations, 1 Wins



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