Asangba Nongjabi (2003)

1h 3m ·DramaShort
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Gautam, an artist, determined to uphold his freedom, is torn between his two loves, both only too gentle in their demands, and yet deeply caring. A sensitive man, he chooses art, knowing full well that he lets them down. While Indu would like him to change his lifestyle just a little bit, for recognition and comfort, Keinatombi would be happy to give him the little care and comfort that she thinks he needs for his art. For the time being at least, Gautam would go with her.
Star: Kh Lingjelthoibi, Ningthoujam Rina, Nandeibam Bhogen
Writer: M. K. Binodini Devi (Script)
Director: Aribam Syam Sharma
Language: Manipuri
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Drama, Short
Adult: No
Type: Non Feature



The movie is based on M. K. Binodini Devi's 1966 play of the same title. The play draws on the playwright’s interactions with Ramkinkar Baij, the eminent sculptor, with whom she studied in Santiniketan, and who has left behind a whole suite of sculptures and paintings of Binodini. Gautam, an artist, determined to uphold his freedom, is torn between his two loves, both only too gentle in their demands, and yet deeply caring. A sensitive man, he chooses art, knowing full well that he lets them down. While Indu would like him to change his lifestyle just a little bit, for recognition and comfort, Keinatombi would be happy to give him the little care and comfort that she thinks he needs for his art. For the time being at least, Gautam would go with her.

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Runtime: 63 min
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