KLMDb Helps

Add a new Name

How to add a new Name or People or Person?
Eligibility of a person to add in database
Checking duplicates for name in database
Add a quick name

How to add a new Name or People or Person?

To add a name or people or person you can use add new name form. You can find the link in contributor page. Please fill all the required fields that the page indicate the required ones.

Please provide the correct data of the person. Fill information as amuch as possible and you get higher chances of approve. Do not provide a name in rumor or a cast name or short name or only nick name. You should provide the address and region of the person. You can provide an option to show or hide date of birth in public.

Providing a webpage or social media page will be helpful in proving the genuine of the name. You can provide other details like award and achievements, credited movies in the miscellaneous field.

Eligibility of a person to add in database

A person is eligible if he or she is involved with actor, director, writer, producer, cast, crews or any departmental jobs in any movie in KLMDb.

Checking duplicates for name in database

While you are adding a name in the form there will be a check in the database and display a similar potential duplicate names if found. Please check the name is existing or not. If it is not listed then you can continue to add and full further form in the next step of the wizard.

Your submission will again review by our editors and will be public once it is approve.

Add a quick name

Adding a quick name to the database is simple and it only require name of the person, profession, state or province and country. There are so many names found who have contributed in the film world but with least data. But it is recomment to add data as much as possible.