KLMDb Helps

Add new Images

How to add or upload images or photos for a movie?
How to edit a photo detail?

How to add or upload images or photos for a movie?

Go to the photos page of the movie and you will find add photos link, go to the upload page drag and drop your photos onto the drop area and click upload. You can upload multiple photos at a time, you can clear the uploaded photos and drop others photos to upload more. You can provide information of the photos like captions later.

For cover photos you will find a link in edit movie page. Uploading cover photos will be different from uploading images in bulk. Image size may not be greater than 5 MB.

By submitting data you declare that the data is not copyrighted by a third party and you hereby give the KLMDb permission to use it.

How to edit a photo detail?

Open the photo in the album and you will see all the details of the photo followed by edit detail button. You can go on the edit detail page and edit and submit.