Nungshibi Ahing (2008)

DramaFamily · Sun Oct 26 2008
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A family where clash occurs between the traditional and new modern ways of living. This results in the family to turn upside down. The old man in the family, in search of peace, goes to the Meitei colony of Hojai, Assam where a student of him lives. He finds happiness staying there but the pang of separation with his granddaughter builds up. He finally returns home but a tragic event welcomes him.
Star: Hijam Shyamdhani, Somendro Rajkumar, Binata Laishram, Roshni
Writer: Narendra Ningomba (Screenplay), Chana Lukhoi (Story)
Director: Homendro Waikhom, Narendra Ningomba
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