Basantagee Nongallamdai

Basantagee Nongallamdai

A romance film

3 Titles | Created: Monday, October 16, 2023
Basantagee Nongallamdai (2006)
6.5/10 2 votes
2h 25m · Romance
A rich happy-go-lucky guy Manimatum's life changes when he falls in love his tutor Sarla. Their riveting love story is put to a test after a brutal incident.
Ujaningba Saktam: Basantagee Nongallamdai II (2008)
7.0/10 2 votes
-- · Drama, Family, Romance
Stars: Maya Choudhury, Somendro Rajkumar
Basantagee Nongallamdai III (2010)
6.0/10 2 votes
-- · Drama, Family, Romance
Stars: Maya Choudhury, Somendro Rajkumar
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