Thumkahai Lan (2017)

Drama · Thu Nov 09 2017
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Achan, a B. Sc graduate and a decent village lad of Ramhon Village, in his fruitless pursuit for a government job stumbles upon knowledge of a potential ' treasure ' of an endemic flower back in his home-village while skimming through TV. In his relentless attempts to gain connections and endorsements to invest in his work, he gets into friction with the village authorities over his love interests for the headman's daughter adding to his burden. His journey sets him into deeper waters of hardship but will it eventually break through and succeed or will the village authorities have their ends meet?
Star: Achan Raikhan
Director: Assurance Raikhan
Language: Tangkhul
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Drama
Adult: No
Type: Feature



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