Meiram - The Fireline (2022)

33m ·Documentary
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‘Meiram-The Fireline’ narrates the revolutionary environmental movement initiated by Moirangthem Loiya at Langol hills for forest conservation. Moirangthem Loiya along with a group of his friends rejuvenated a 300 acre forest through dedicated replantation and preservation work in a span of 18 years. The particular focus of the film is on a strategy of using controlled fire to clear narrow strips of shrubs and grass in the periphery of a forest in order to prevent wild forest fires spreading and consuming the rest of the forest.
Director: James Khangembam
Language: Manipuri
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Documentary
Adult: No
Type: Non Feature



This is story of individual heroism, and relates to what can be described as a revolutionary environmental movement initiated by Moirangthem Loya at Punshilok on the Langol hill range, rejuvenating a 300 acre forest through dedicated replantation and preservation work. The particular focus of the film is on a strategy of using controlled fire to clear narrow strips of shrubs and grass in the periphery of a forest in order to prevent wild forest fires spreading and consuming the rest of the forest. These wild fires are usually the result of reckless forest clearance technique employed by many traditional communities in Manipur. The film has a rich array of visuals, giving the audience a sense of the richness and beauty of the forest’s flora and fauna. What it lacks is a narrative thread to bind them all into a cohesive story line. A strong voiceover narration, such as in a David Attenborough wildlife episode, would have made the film stand out. For instance, when a beautiful bird or a snake is shown, the audience are left bewildered what species these belonged to, what their ideal habitats should be and how these are being degraded etc. Indeed, many amongst the audience, particularly if they are not already familiar with forest fires and their prevention methods in Manipur, would find it difficult to grasp what exactly all the efforts of the characters in the film entailed, and how they are relevant.

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Runtime: 33 min
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