Gun and a God (2013)

31m ·DramaShort · Fri Mar 22 2013
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A "Gun and a God" is the journey a woman, whose will was forged by the structural violence of her existence, who finally finds her voice in a Gun and justice in a God.
Director: Sonia Nepram
Language: Manipuri
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Drama, Short
Adult: No
Type: Non Feature


Purnima is having the best of her evenings with her inmates in a jail room. Yet her every laughs and giggles are concealing a grave conflict. The visiting hours in the jail are dreadful with no one to visit her. These are the times when she finds herself asking who she is. Tagged as a "disgraced inheritance", from an unknown father to a mentally unfit mother, her childhood was chastised. The reality of being an illegitimate child haunts during her teens and when she was married, it crucified her. A "Gun and a God" is the journey a woman, whose will was forged by the structural violence of her existence, who finally finds her voice in a Gun and justice in a God.

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Runtime: 31 min
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Release Info

Release Date: Fri Mar 22 2013
Release In: India

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Indiasonia nepram filmsAsiaGenderIdentityOppressionSocietyViolence

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