Rajarshi Bhagyachandra (2007)

58m ·Documentary
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Rajarshi Bhagyachandra of Manipur is one of the greatest Vaishnava Kings. A versatile person of immense qualities, he was an expert war strategist who wielded his sword to defend his land and people and yet an artistic genius of divine sensibilities who gave the world the classical dance of Manipuri Ras.
Director: Aribam Syam Sharma
Language: English
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Documentary
Adult: No
Type: Non Feature



Rajarshi Bhagyachandra of Manipur is one of the greatest Vaishnava Kings. A versatile person of immense qualities, he was an expert war strategist who wielded his sword to defend his land and people and yet an artistic genius of divine sensibilities who gave the world the classical dance of Manipuri Ras. He was a cultural architect, whose artistic creations brought a socio-cultural revolution and led his people towards a way of life focused on Shri Govindajee of Manipur. He was and till today, considered a saint in the guise of a king, hence the title, Rajarshi. The film traces his exploits and achievements.

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Runtime: 58 min
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