Thabal (2013)

2h ·Romance · Mon Dec 02 2013
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Thabal is based on those times when the gods lived among the humans. The film, while focusing on the scenic landscape, features the culture and tradition of Manipur. Chomlang is a small village ruled by a king who had a son named Khaba and a daughter Kusum. Henba is a young man who lived in the same village with his widowed mother. One day, Kusum happened to notice the strength and courage of Henba when he saved her from drowning. She asked Melei, her maid, to convey her feelings for Henba. It was a heart breaking situation for Melei as she loved Henba. Meanwhile, Khaba had an eye for Melei. Khaba made plans with Lingel, who adored Khaba, to abduct Melei. When Kusum learnt of this development, she was furious and reported the matter to the king. Melei and Henba were captured, and Henba was made to serve as guard of the princess.
Star: Leishangthem Rahul, Soma Laishram, Sophia Mayengbam
Director: Kshetrimayum Gyanandra, Samarjit Naorem
Language: Manipuri
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Romance
Adult: No
Type: Feature



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Technical Info

Runtime: 120 min
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Release Info

Release Date: Mon Dec 02 2013
Release In: India

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3 Nominations, 3 Wins



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