Olangthagee Wangmadasoo (1979)

1h 54m ·Romance · Fri Jan 18 1980
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Star: Kangabam Tomba, Yengkhom Roma
Writer: M. K. Binodini Devi (Script Writer and Screenplay)
Director: Aribam Syam Sharma
Language: Manipuri
Country of Origin: India (IN)
State / Province: Manipur
Genre: Romance
Adult: No
Type: Feature


The film revolves around the story of Bijoy and Thadoi who fall in love and decide to marry each other. Their first meeting takes place at a musical night in which Bijoy is one of the singers. Thadoi is a medical student and also writes poems which are set to tune by Bijoy. Bijoy's grandfather wants him to learn the art of swordmanship while the grandmother wants him to study music and singing. They are serious about his marriage. On the other hand, Thadoi's brother Kamaljit and his wife want her to marry a rich family friend Jiten. Thadoi elopes with Bijoy, but they get separated when Kamaljit agrees to perform kanyadaan for her, although this is a promise that he breaks. When Bijoy's grandfather comes to discuss the matter, he is attacked by Kamaljit's goons and he dies. However, despite the obstacles that are put in their way by Kamaljit, their love does not die. The plot is interspersed with several incidents that add a twist to the tale, such as the attack on Bijoy, his grandfather's death, a pilgrimage and a kidnapping. Several twists in the tale are added until all the misunderstandings are sorted out and Bijoy and Thadoi are finally reconciled.


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2 Nominations, 2 Wins



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