Ajit Ningthoujam (Ajit Ningthouja)


Personal Details

Nick Name / Other Name Ajit Ningthouja
Street / Home Naranseina Maning Leikai, Moirang
Region Bishnupur Manipur India
Sor (2016) - Film
Chirol (2012) - Film
Khambaton (2011) - Film
Story and Screenplay
Other Crew
2020 Gee Thoibi (2023) - Film
lyrics - Music Department
Taxi Da Thoibi (2022) - Film
Editor & Screenplay - Editorial Department
Tharoi Ahambei Mahao (2021) - Film
lyrics - Music Department
Shak Udaba Atang (2020) - Film
Lyrics - Music Department
Eise Nanggi Nattabra (2019) - Film
lyrics by - Music Department
Khurai Angaobi (2019) - Film
Lyricist - Music Department
Thamoido Ngairi (2019) - Film
Film Editor - Post Production
Eina Fagi Touraga (2018) - Film
Film Editor - Post Production
Nangna Nokpa Yengningi (2015) - Film
Editor - Post Production
Nungshit Mapi (2015) - Film
Edited by - Post Production
Shiraga Shi Chang Nga Chang (2015) - Film
editor - Post Production
Shiraga Shi Chang Nga Chang (2015) - Film
lyrics - Music Department
Sathiba Danger (2014) - Film
Film Editor - Post Production
Highway - 39 (2012) - Film
Film Editor - Post Production
Thajagee Mangal (2012) - Film
Film Editor - Post Production
Ei Ngaode (2009) - Film
assistant director - Production Department
Uoo Thambal (2009) - Film
associate director - Production Department
Uoo Thambal (2009) - Film
editor - Post Production
Huranbado Mapuni (2008) - Film
Sound engineer - Sound Department
Naoshum (2008) - Film
assistant director - Production Department
Nkhumei Mikdui (2008) - Film
audiography - Sound Department
Ayekpa Kajal (2007) - Film
First Assistant Director - Production Department


External Sites

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